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STM32CubeProgrammer secret sauce

STM32CubeProgrammer secret sauce

Today I finally figured out how to get the STM32CubeProgrammer CLI to work!

This is pretty awesome, the CLI tool is much faster than any of the GUI tools. For some reason the erase, program, and verify steps zip past way faster than in the GUI.

Using the old ST-Link utility in windows, I had tens of seconds, with this script it’s down to about 2 seconds, and that includes the sound + delay. Plus I don’t have to keep an eye on the ST-Link console to see if there was an error, this just won’t play the sound and I can focus on shuffling boards.

while true
        echo next
        STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -e all -w $binfile -v && afplay sm64_1-up.wav
        echo sleep for 1 and next
        sleep 1

This opens up all kinds of possibilities, like scripting automatic programming + test jigs.

A Hill to Die On - Why Lead Free Solder is Better For You

A Hill to Die On - Why Lead Free Solder is Better For You

Laser Cut LED Flower Chandelier

Laser Cut LED Flower Chandelier