Hi, welcome to my site! Here I share ideas, projects, and ramblings. I hope you enjoy them!
Home made PCBs
This is an IO expander board for Synthia v2, 0.65mm pitch surface mount!
µCurrent 1 sided PCB remake
Project is here https://github.com/simap/ucurrent
Based on David Jone's µCurrent (of EEVBlog fame), modified to be easy to make at home.
Measures current down to the nanoamp range!
Solar speeder bike
This guy was a gift for my dad, inspired by some interesting wire sculptures he had when I was a kid, and would often tell me stories about my uncle's go-cart engineering efforts. A 1F capacitor would charge up until a blinking red led triggered launch, which would go several meters quite quickly!
Solar speeder bike
Solar speeder bike
Carefully balanced on 2 wheels.
Solar speeder bike next to AA battery
Solar bug bot
I made a bunch of these as gifts. When you switch them on, they buzz around in circles. Recharged by solar.
Pager motor, on/off switch, a 20mah NiMH coin cell, 1x2cm solar cells snapped in half, and a germanium diode.
Bug tank bot
This is all seeing bug tank! With a his beady eyes (CdS photo resistors), he can detect differential motion and move towards moving objects. Some springs and paperclips give him feelers so he doesn't get stuck on walls. One of my earlier PIC based projects, this used an original PIC16F84 with a 20Mhz crystal. Capacitor discharge timing was used to read the "eyes" without an ADC.